When does life begin? More specifically, when does a "human" life begin? The Bible clearly tells us that life begins at the moment of conception. It says that God knew us before we were even conceived, and He fashioned us in the womb (Ps 139:13-16)(Jer 1:5)(Isa 44:24)(Isa 49:1). In fact, the KJV Bible does not even use the term "pregnant," but rather, it uses the term "with child" (2 Sam 11:5)(1 Sam 4:19)(2 Kin 15:16)(Mt 1:23 / tie to Mt 1:20)(Mt 24:19)(Mk 13:17). At conception, a woman is with child.
But, I ask the above question because there are many who deny this truth. They do not believe that life begins at conception. But again, if it isn't "at conception," when is it? I ask this because the state of Georgia just passed legislation which makes abortion illegal after 6 weeks, when a fetal heartbeat can generally be detected. (They are actually the 4th state to do this, with Ky, Ms, and Ohio having previously done so.) The "furor" that has followed this decision is astounding, and it is why I write this blog today.
This is a picture of a fetus at 6 weeks old.
This fetus (infant), with a beating heart, is what the "pro-choice" movement is fighting for the right to terminate, under the guise of "a woman's right to control her own body." A fetus like this, with a beating heart IS life! I don't think any rational person can deny this.
This is where the title of the blog comes in. For a woman (or man) to say that a woman should have the right to silence this heartbeat if she so chooses is simply "demonic." It is "a mind controlled by Satan." No Christian, no one with the mind of Christ, could advocate for a woman's right to take this life. This is the realm of Satan. It is his specialty. The Bible calls him the "god of this world" (2 Cor 2:2), "prince of this world" (Jn 12:31)(Jn 14:30)(Jn 16:11), and "prince of the power of the air" (Eph 2:2). He "blinds the minds of people" (2 Cor 4:4). He is "a liar, and the father of lies" (Jn 8:44). He is a "deceiver" (Rev 12:9)(Rev 20:7-8,10).
Look at some of the responses from those in Hollywood when this legislation was passed:
A well-known Hollywood actress called for all pro-choice women to refrain from having sex (because "we just cannot risk pregnancy," and therefore may need an abortion) until this legislation is overturned.
(Note: Christians actually support this stance, as we have been advocating for "abstinence" all along, thereby greatly reducing the number of unplanned pregnancies and abortions performed!)
A well-known model just posted a naked picture of herself on Instagram in protest. (How does she even think this will help??)
Several well-known Hollywood directors are offering the proceeds from movies they are making (in Georgia) to fight the new legislation.
While not directly connected to this legislation, a few weeks ago, a pro-choice Pennsylvania state representative, in two separate incidents, shot video of himself bullying 3 teenage girls, as well as an elderly woman who were quietly praying in front of the clinic of an abortion provider. (He offered $100 to someone who would dox the 3 girls...)
In response to this, a counter, pro-life rally was held at the same spot where this Pennsylvania representative harassed these people. A well known blogger named Matt Walsh was one of the speakers at this rally. Afterwards, he posted this on his Twitter page: "Over the last 24 hours pro-abortion people have threatened to kill me, kill my family, rape my wife, rape my daughter, and assault me. They've wished death on me, on my children, on all pro lifers. They've wished rape on my wife and my daughter." (He has posted a number of these threats as he has received them. It is chilling!)
This is all simply "insanity." It is irrational hatred. It is from "a mind controlled by Satan." And, in some cases, it is even "demon possession." It is happening all over this country on a daily basis, and it isn't going to end. In fact, it is only going to get worse. The Bible tells us this will happen in the end times:
People will be: lovers of themselves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, lack self control, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, reckless, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God, have a form of godliness, but denying its power (2 Tim 3:2-5).
However, this does not mean that we are to stop fighting for the unborn. God hates the shedding of innocent blood, and calls us to defend the weak and helpless: (Prov 6:16-17)(Prov 31:8-9)(Ps 82:2-4)(Ex 23:7). Nothing is more innocent and weak and helpless than an unborn infant. Through the power of God, abortion may one day be greatly curtailed, but one way or the other, it will continue. Just as Prohibition could not stop the flow of alcohol, making abortion illegal will not stop abortions. In addition, the persecution of those who stand up for the rights of the unborn, and for God's standards in the Bible will only increase. However, we must press forward.
The Christian life is to be one of sacrifice. The Bible tells us to we are to die what our "flesh" wants (Gal 5:24)(Col 3:5)(Eph 4:22). In addition, the Bible says in (Jn 15:13) "Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends."Jesus did this very thing (Jn 10:11)(1 Jn 3:16), laying down His life so that those who place their trust in Him could have eternal life. However, this Bible verse doesn't simply mean to "die" for someone else, but also to put the interests of others ahead of our own. Ladies, if you are fighting for "your rights" over the rights of your unborn child, you are fighting the wrong fight. "Lay down your life" for the life of your unborn child. This is God's way.
P.S. Let us be in prayer for our President, Vice-President, and those in Congress who are standing on the side of the pro-life movement; for strength, guidance, and protection. Let us pray for those in the Supreme Court, who most likely will rule on this issue, that they will stand on the side of defending the unborn. Let us pray for those who were bold enough to pass this legislation, and for leaders in other states to stand up for the unborn. Since this legislation in Georgia passed, two more states have now joined the pro-life legislation movement, with Missouri banning abortions after 8 weeks, and Alabama enacting the strongest the strongest legislation ever, banning virtually ALL abortions, at any time, with criminal penalties for those who perform abortions. Praise God!
Of course, let us also be in prayer for those whose minds are being controlled by Satan, that they may be set free through the power of Jesus Christ.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
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