Thursday, February 22, 2018

Billy Graham

     Yesterday, Evangelist/Pastor Billy Graham died. As I speak of in "My Testimony" , I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior at a Billy Graham Crusade on Oct 27, 1994 in Atlanta, Georgia. Of course, this totally altered the course of my life, however, it was far more than I expected. It was also during that Crusade that I felt like God gave me a sign that He was going to use me in some powerful way. What has happened since has been nothing short of amazing. (I will not go into details on that, but it is in my testimony.)

     In addition to my salvation, Billy Graham changed my life in other ways as well. After that Crusade, I returned home and ordered and read every tract that was available from Billy Graham's sermons (like 300). I later read his autobiography "Just As I Am" which was amazing and very inspiring, and moved me to go deeper in my walk. My wife and I attended 3 other Billy Graham Crusades in the years that followed in San Antonio, Charlotte, and Jacksonville, each as powerful as the first. One of the few magazines that I read on a regular basis is "Decision" magazine which is put out by the Billy Graham Association. Last year, my daughter and I visited the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte which was also quite moving, and I highly recommend you visit at some time (especially if you have never given your life to Christ).

     The Bible speaks about "laying up treasures in Heaven" (Mt 6:19-20)(Mt 19:21). If any man in recent times has laid up these treasures, I believe it was Billy Graham. These are rewards that perhaps may last for eternity (I speak of this more here). Billy Graham's life should be an example to us all. An example of how to lay up treasure in Heaven. So many (Christians) today live for the "here and now" rather than thinking from an eternal perspective. So many want immediate gratification rather than delayed rewards. We so often fail to put God before self in EVERY situation. Billy Graham's life was the opposite, dedicated to God before self.

     I remember hearing Billy Graham once say that one day he hoped to hear God say to him, "Well done good and faithful servant," but he did not expect that God would say that to him. I believe he was wrong, and God has spoken those very words to him. Those are words ALL Christians should long to hear one day. It is what I am striving for.

     So, as you can see, Billy Graham played a HUGE part in where I am in my walk with the Lord today. Thank you Billy Graham! You have won the race!     

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Why "God In The Shower?"

    I have had a desire to write a blog for a long time, however I have been reluctant to do so because I do not wish to take time away from my primary website But, this morning, I woke up very early (for me) and could not go back to sleep feeling led by God to get started on this. So, here we go!

    Why the name: God In The Shower? A number of Christians claim to hear from God continually. I am not one of them. When God wants to direct me, He seems to go a different route. He gives me signs. This has happened over and over. In fact, I do what I do on JesusAlive because God has confirmed time and time again through signs that it is what He wants me to do.

     However, for some odd reason, which only God knows, the times when I feel like God is speaking to me the clearest are often when I am in the shower. I am not saying that I clearly hear an audible voice or anything like that, but I feel like God shows me different things. I have come up with new studies to write, things to add to studies, people I need to reach out to, things I need to pray about, and more. Is this God? I don't know "for sure," but I believe it is.

     As I say on the homepage of JesusAlive, the mission of my website is: "witnessing to those who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and discipling those who do, but are seeking help in their daily walk." I have written hundreds of studies to help those coming to the website. However, the website is not really a place to share day to day things concerning my walk with the Lord, and what He is showing me. So, that is why I am here. 

     I am on a mission to look for God in ALL areas of my life. I know He is always there, and I don't want to miss ANYTHING. As He moves, and shows me things (including in the shower), I want to share that with you. Prayerfully, it will encourage you to look more closely for God's hand and direction in your own life. May God bless and direct the words that will follow.

A 40th Wedding Anniversary To Remember!

      " Our 40th Wedding Anniversary is coming up. What should we do? Where should we go?" Our anniversary is January 1st. We alre...